Senior Disney Trip 2025


We're so excited you chose to go on your Senior Grad Trip to Disneyland Resort and California Adventure in Anaheim, CA. 

Mickey 2025

As The Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland said, “Every adventure requires a first step.” 


It’s time to secure your hopper ticket and seat on the bus for your Senior trip to Disneyland with a deposit.


We anticipate filling a total of 7 buses quickly - so get your deposit in as soon as possible!


“Adventure is out there!” – Up


We are taking Arrow Stage Line buses from DMHS at 5am on Friday, May 23th. The Grads and chaperones will celebrate in Disneyland Resort and California Adventure from 11am to 12am. The buses will leave at 12:30 am to return to DMHS approximately 7 am. PLEASE NOTE DUE TO BUS AND TICKET RESERVATIONS THERE ARE NO REFUNDS, INCLUDING YOUR DEPOSIT. Thank you for kind understanding.

Up Houses

Total Cost: $375 Non-Refundable

  • REQUIRED DEPOSIT $100 by 12/2/2024   *If deposit payment is made by 11/8 at midnight, you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 Disney gift card!


  • FINAL PAYMENT DUE $275 by 02/21/2025

Ways to Pay: 

  • Online through your PTO account
  • Zelle: Email Name DESERT MOUNTAIN and include student's name in memo line * Zelle payment must be received by December 2nd or your registration will be cancelled.
  • Check made payable to DM PTO *must be delivered to school office by December 2nd or your registration will be cancelled.

Includes a roundtrip first-class coach bus fare, a 1-Day Hopper Disneyland ticket, water, and chaperones.

FAQs will be added to the Senior Trip page soon. 

Trip Itinerary: Expect an email prior to the trip. Please note buses will leave both DMHS and Disneyland ON TIME, so students will need to be prepared and always watch the time. (a LOUD alarm clock is highly recommended)

Financial Aid: available on a case-by-case basis. Please email Amber Wilson at before 12/2/2024 to be considered.




Item DescriptionPriceQty

Student Information


Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1


Parent/Guardian 2


Emergency Contact Information



Permission Form

My Child has my permission to attend the senior class trip to Disney. I HAVE received and read the information that is stated in this permission slip as follows:


Senior Class Trip Code of Conduct


1) All seniors are expected to represent DMHS in a positive way at ALL times. Seniors are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook and refrain from any conduct which is unbecoming to Desert Mountain High School and individuals. This applies to the carrying of, use of, sale of, providing of:

  • Intoxicating Beverages
  • Tobacco in any form, Vaping
  • Drugs, controlled substances or counterfeit or look alike substances
  • Other unbecoming conduct, i.e. any conduct which could be in violation of any federal, state or local law or ordinances as a misdemeanor or felony, or related misconduct which discredits DMHS (example: Minor in Possession)


2)  Students are NOT permitted to travel to Disney in their own vehicles. They must travel to and from Disney on their assigned buses.


3) Students must abide by the behavior policies established by DMHS PG and Disney's code of conduct policies. Students will be obligated to comply with the directives of Disney Staff and DMHS PG Chaperones.


4) Students may be subjected to a search for alcohol, drugs, and other contraband before boarding the buses, upon the entrance to Disney as well as on the way back home.


5)  If a student commits a severe infraction while on the trip such as theft, possession of drugs, or alcohol, etc., the student will immediately lose the privilege of continuing to participate in the remaining activities or the trip.


6) Any student apprehended for a violation of law will be left in custody of local authorities. Parents will be notified and will be responsible for arranging student’s release and transportation.   AT THIS POINT IT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN TO TRANSPORT THE STUDENT HOME ASAP AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE.



Bus Assignments


  • I understand that I am responsible for selecting my own bus via the SignUpGenius form that will be released in May. 
  • If I do not select a bus, one will be randomly assigned to me.
  • Once the form is closed I acknowledge that my bus assignment is final. 
  • I agree and understand that ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGES TO BUS ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE MADE after the form is closed OR ON THE DAY OF DEPARTURE.



Brief Medical History & Medical Release






A licensed health care provider may provide my child with: (reset)



Who is responsible for medical payments? Insurance or Individual Policy Primary




Authorize the DMHS PG to obtain medical care for my child in the event such care is necessary. I understand that, if possible, I will be contacted in the event my child requires medical attention. I grant to a licensed health care provider or accredited hospital, permission to perform any medical and / or surgical procedures that are essential for the treatment of my child and agree to be responsible for the payment of such care. I release DMHS PPG from any damages liability or loss resulting from their securing in good faith, medical care for my child.



Would you or a family member over the age of 23 be interested in chaperoning the trip?  If yes, please enter your email and a PTO representative will contact you with more information.  Thank you!

Disney Senior Trip 2025 Payment
 Disney Senior Trip Non-Refundable Deposit - 2025$100.00 
 I would like to donate additional funds.
Do you want to help another student attend Disney Senior night? Please consider donating to the Disney Trip Scholarship Fund.
 Disney Senior Trip - 2025 Final Payment$275.00 

This is NOT a school or SUSD sponsored event.  The DMHS PTO, its officers, committee members, parents, and any adult providing transportation, supervision or planning in connection with this event and its related activities will be held harmless from any and all liability for property damage, injury, accident or death to a person or property in connection with the above named student's participation in this activity. NO REFUNDS will be given.