Question: How Do I Prepare For Life After High School?
The PTO hosted a parent education coffee with the counseling team during the 2022-2023 school year and their presentation was filled with helpful tips for all Desert Mountain students and their unique long-term goals. Click HERE for the Counselor Coffee Powerpoint presentation if you missed the meeting.
Question: How Do I Send A Copy Of My Official Transcript?
If you need to send a transcript, click here to use Parchment. You will need to create an account, and Parchment will send your official or unofficial transcript anywhere you wish. A second option would be to pay the bookstore for a copy of your official transcript. Bring a receipt to prove payment and an addressed and stamped envelope to your school counselor, and it will be mailed to your desired location.
Question: How Do I Handle An Issue With My Teacher?
DMHS has an official process to handling any conflict or issues between students and teachers. The first step would be for the parent and student to contact the student's teacher. The second step would be to contact your student's counselor.
Question: Where Can I Find Mental Health Resources?
For a list of available SUSD resources please click here to be redirected to the school's Mental Health webpage. This page is a wealth of information including various crisis hotline numbers, recommended apps, and a list of SUSD drug prevention links. Maricopa County Free/Low Cost Resource Search:
Question: How Do I Find Academic Help?
Click HERE for DMHS tutoring resources, where you can find lists of both professional and student tutors. Click HERE for additional resources available at the school. After school tutoring will be available in the school library on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week after Labor Day. Certified teachers and student tutors will be available. Students should sign in upon arrival.
Question: Where Do I Go With Tech Issues?
If you are having difficulty logging in to Studentvue or Parentvue, please contact the Help Desk at 480-484-HELP(4357).
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