We are a non-profit organization whose membership consist of parents, guardians, community members and administration.  The purpose of this organization is to enhance the education and overall experience of our students.

NOTE:  PTO Memberships run from July 1- June 30th of each school year.

General Membership- parents, guardians, & community members
Suggested donation amount $30, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500 PTO membership is required for Senior Scholarship opportunities. PTO members will receive access to our Membership Toolkit Student Directory with a $30 or more donation.
Your donation is processed securely through Pay Pal. MC,Visa, American Express, Discover, Debit Card or Direct Bank Processing is accepted. 

Teacher/Staff Membership
Teacher and Staff PTO members are able to request funding through the PTO to enhance classroom education. The DM PTO sponsors teacher/staff appreciation events through the year.  You MUST be a MEMBER to request funding. Note teacher/staff dues have DECREASED to $10.
Your donation is processed securely through Pay Pal. MC,Visa, American Express, Discover, Debit Card or Direct Bank Processing is accepted. 





To pay your membership by check: click here for a paper form. Please mail your form attention DM PTO to: Desert Mountain High School, 12575 E Vía Linda, Scottsdale, AZ 85259 


Frequently Asked Questions:  


Do I join the PTO every year?
Yes, every school calendar year is a new year to join/donate to the PTO. Your donation and membership are good for one school year.
How involved do I have to be?
Your level of involvement is up to you.    We have volunteer positions that can accommodate most schedules or just our quarterly general meetings.  
Do I Have to Have a Child at DMHS to Join the PTO or Be on the Board?
No, you do not have to have a student at DMHS to be a PTO member.  We encourage community involvement!
Would you like to make a donation in addition to membership for special events and project?
Click the donate icon below.  Note: donations will not give you directory access

Our 2024-2025 Sponsors 

 Rockstar Sponsors





 Admin Sponsors



Partner Sponsors